Trust the firm that is dedicated to the passionate representation of its clients.
Visitation Lawyer in Monmouth County
Seeking Parenting Time? Our Firm Can Help!
In a divorce case there are many different issues that must be resolved. If you have children, these issues include: child custody, child support and visitation rights. Typically, parents share custody of their children and have a schedule as to when each parent has parenting time.
If you have questions about how a divorce may impact your time with your children or if your former spouse is blocking your parenting time, then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of a Monmouth County divorce attorney from Amdur, Maggs & Dugan. If you are unhappy with your current arrangement then you may be able to receive a modification that could work better for you and your children. Our firm will be able to help you throughout this process if you choose to work with us.
Contact a Monmouth, Ocean, & Middlesex County Divorce Attorney
At Amdur, Maggs & Dugan we are a divorce and family law firm that is dedicated to the vigorous representation of, and skillful service to our clients. We have handled numerous cases in the past regarding various visitation rights and issues with a history of success. If you are seeking superior representation and legal assistance in your case you will greatly benefit from a representative from our firm.
In your consultation, we will address your questions, discuss your legal options, and counsel you in the best legal action. If you choose to retain our services, we will provide you with zealous representation of your case.