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Monmouth County Spousal Support/Alimony Lawyer
In a divorce case there are many issues that must be resolved, including spousal support also known as alimony. The Court will often look at whether or not one of the spouses has become financially dependent on the other spouse. This can occur in situations when one spouse earns the money while the other cares for the kids, or cases where one of the individuals makes substantially more than the other and both of them become accustomed to a certain style life.
If you are thinking about a divorce and are concerned about being left without means to support yourself, you may be able to collect money payments from your ex-spouse in order to help compensate for the cost of living. It is important that you are provided for and that you have an agreement that secures this payment. Support can be awarded in varying time lengths and in varying amounts depending on many factors.
Factors the Court Considers
You and your spouse can arrive at the amount and length of spousal support/alimony on your own, or the Court can make the deciding call. When the Court steps in to determine if spousal support should be awarded, they will look at a number of factors regarding both your spouse and you including the following:
- Your income
- Your spouse's income
- Length of the marriage
- Your earning ability
- Your spouse's earning ability
- Your style of living established during the marriage
- Any premarital or mid-marriage agreements
Modifying Support or Alimony
If you are making spousal support, or alimony payments it is important to understand your rights if you cannot meet your obligations, or if a basis exists for you obligations to end such as cohabitation on the part of your former spouse. There are many ground to make an application to the Court for a review of your support obligation.
If you are seeking a modification then do not hesitate to retain the legal services of a Monmouth County divorce attorney from Amdur, Maggs & Dugan.
At Amdur, Maggs & Dugan we are focused on providing excellent service to our clients. Through a dedicated, one-on-one service, we can determine your needs and desires and develop a strategy aimed at maximizing your chances of a favorable outcome of your case.
If you choose to work with us, know that we will tirelessly fight for your rights and aggressively defend you. Contact a lawyer from our firm today to get started with an initial consultation.